Current Project - School Uniform Sponsorship.

This year Project GIVE is looking into a School Uniform Sponsorship Drive for 85 school going children in Nepal. If you are interested to lend a hand, read more about it in our Current Projects page.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Total Funds Collected for School Uniform Sponsorship Programme

Since it was launched in June 2011, Project GIVE has collected a total of RM3,880 (about USD 1,271) for the School Uniform Sponsorhsip Programme. The funds will go into buying materials for the school uniforms for 78 school children (previously 75 school children) in Nepal. Project GIVE would like to thank all sponsors who have generously donated the money to enable the programme to be successful. The amount of funds collected is more than sufficient to cover the cost of buying the school uniform materials as well as having it sewn by a local tailor in Nepal. Balance of the funds will be used...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Kick-start of the School Uniform Sponsorship Programme

Project GIVE's School Uniform Sponsorship Programme has kicked off with a great start with many generous sponsors keen to participate in the programme. Altogether, there are 75 sets of school uniforms available for sponsorship. Out of 75, 20 sets have already been sponsored leaving 55 sets of school uniforms open for sponsorship now.As of today, sponsorships for the 55 sets of uniforms have been pouring in and still counting. The numbers will be updated soon on the website.Project GIVE hopes the School Uniform Sponsorship programme will be successful with the support of generous and kind sponsors...

Monday, April 4, 2011

Education - The Long Term Key Investment in Ending Poverty

Education is a long term key investment in ending poverty. However, many children in this world are unable to remain in school every year due to the inability to buy the much needed school supplies like books and stationeries, and school uniforms. There are also instances where children stop schooling in order to work and help put food on the table for their families. But with proper education, these children may one day complete their tertiary education up to college or university levels and help...

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